Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Malfeasance 12698 3772
Eyes of Tomorrow 9243 0
Ace of Spades 4646 2777
Bad Juju 3654 1186
Le Monarque 3171 902
Anarchy 2978 0
Quicksilver Storm 2279 591
Vex Mythoclast 2202 1102
Hard Light 2163 797
Wish Ender 2027 670
Sunshot 2001 420
Tommy's Matchbook 1922 504
Vigilance Wing 1840 1018
Thorn 1822 658
Crimson 1545 1029
Trespasser 1524 457
Arbalest 1472 892
Outbreak Perfected 1400 672
No Time to Explain 1355 547
Dragon's Breath 1330 0
Telesto 1283 0
SUROS Regime 1158 565
Dead Man's Tale 1138 599
Fighting Lion 1122 0
Revision Zero 1067 499
Cloudstrike 1019 619
The Manticore 998 303
Thunderlord 997 377
Coldheart 889 265
Final Warning 888 262
Riskrunner 878 202
Cryosthethesia 77K 842 267
Sweet Business 826 299
Witherhoard 824 0
Graviton Lance 790 442
Hawkmoon 787 456
Osteo Striga 775 173
Polaris Lance 741 290
Ruinous Effigy 738 95
Sturm 736 393
Skyburner's Oath 710 482
Ticuu's Divination 703 197
Legend of Acrius 699 11
Jade Rabbit 685 548
Heir Apparent 637 174
MIDA Multi-Tool 598 420
The Colony 580 0
Grand Overture 565 0
Izanagi's Burden 540 310
The Last Word 528 296
Jotunn 527 0
Verglas Curve 491 164
Lament 490 0
Wardcliff Coil 487 0
Ex Diris 487 0
Vexcalibur 417 0
Prometheus Lens 410 60
Leviathan's Breath 373 73
Deathbringer 370 0
Lord of Wolves 291 69
Sleeper Simulant 288 65
Forerunner 279 195
Duality 264 83
Xenophage 226 0
The Prospector 218 0
Whisper of the Worm 213 98
Merciless 206 0
Parasite 187 0
Two-Tailed Fox 182 0
Delicate Tomb 174 0
Centrifuse 151 46
Gjallarhorn 138 0
Wish-Keeper 123 53
Deterministic Chaos 88 34
Traveler's Chosen 80 17
Truth 68 0
The Fourth Horseman 54 4
Conditional Finality 42 6
The Chaperone 41 19
Salvation's Grip 41 0
Lorentz Driver 37 10
Black Talon 33 0
Tessellation 19 0
Trinity Ghoul 18 12
Tractor Cannon 18 0
Lumina 16 8
Wavesplitter 6 2
Cerberus+1 3 1
Symmetry 1 0
Worldline Zero 0 0
Winterbite 0 0
Wicked Implement 0 0
Touch of Malice 0 0
The Queenbreaker 0 0
The Navigator 0 0
Tarrabah 0 0
Rat King 0 0
One Thousand Voices 0 0
Necrochasm 0 0
Monte Carlo 0 0
Huckleberry 0 0
Hierarchy of Needs 0 0
Heartshadow 0 0
Eriana's Vow 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Divinity 0 0
Devil's Ruin 0 0
Dead Messenger 0 0
D.A.R.C.I 0 0
Collective Obligation 0 0
Buried Bloodline 0 0
Borealis 0 0
Bastion 0 0
Ager's Scepter 0 0