Stat Value
General Statistics
Completions 1219
Flawless 245
Champion Kills 4481
Strike Kills This Season 277
Strike High Score
The Arms Dealer 188475
Insight Terminus 180936
The Inverted Spire 153156
Savathun's Song 182565
The Pyramidion 93397
Exodus Crash 165392
A Garden World 86698
Tree of Probabilities 85390
Strange Terrain 100855
Warden of Nothing 243100
Broodhold 0
The Scarlet Keep 333245
Lake of Shadows 251910
The Corrupted 405000
The Festering Core 61949
The Disgraced 86616
The Glassway 178575
Proving Grounds 190222
The Devils' Lair 212381
Fallen S.A.B.E.R 106392
The Hollowed Lair 85761
The Lightblade 231132
Birthplace of the Vile 122557