Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Jotunn 27181 10
Riskrunner 11570 2417
Outbreak Perfected 10435 3479
Trinity Ghoul 8893 1826
Witherhoard 8197 2
Ager's Scepter 7395 1412
Osteo Striga 6469 836
Graviton Lance 5923 1500
Gjallarhorn 3614 1
Monte Carlo 3444 876
Telesto 2767 2
Bad Juju 2585 801
Crimson 2567 1400
Vex Mythoclast 2510 707
Thunderlord 2211 444
Sunshot 2202 254
Anarchy 2069 0
Dead Man's Tale 1875 687
Quicksilver Storm 1863 388
Leviathan's Breath 1710 63
Ruinous Effigy 1633 332
Hard Light 1621 497
One Thousand Voices 1611 0
The Navigator 1586 301
Sleeper Simulant 1340 262
Arbalest 1289 499
Tommy's Matchbook 1288 329
Hawkmoon 1282 577
MIDA Multi-Tool 1276 830
Prometheus Lens 1275 245
Polaris Lance 1223 846
Wardcliff Coil 1156 0
Rat King 1050 349
Lorentz Driver 1027 190
No Time to Explain 1018 446
Coldheart 1004 217
Huckleberry 995 265
Thorn 972 327
Sweet Business 905 227
Heir Apparent 892 214
Le Monarque 886 293
Delicate Tomb 879 0
Wavesplitter 857 200
Devil's Ruin 846 192
Divinity 842 458
Ace of Spades 829 279
Skyburner's Oath 818 176
Dead Messenger 818 0
Ticuu's Divination 803 147
Touch of Malice 747 249
Revision Zero 711 259
Traveler's Chosen 683 235
Fighting Lion 683 0
Cerberus+1 683 141
Symmetry 676 150
Malfeasance 675 186
Merciless 657 0
The Last Word 649 199
Grand Overture 628 0
Duality 623 78
Lament 603 0
Verglas Curve 597 128
Wicked Implement 582 421
Legend of Acrius 582 3
The Prospector 552 0
Wish Ender 531 215
Lord of Wolves 518 80
Two-Tailed Fox 517 0
Tractor Cannon 517 0
Deathbringer 511 0
Dragon's Breath 510 0
Collective Obligation 502 165
Izanagi's Burden 501 140
Truth 499 0
Heartshadow 491 0
Cloudstrike 491 181
The Colony 446 0
The Fourth Horseman 420 34
Black Talon 404 0
Worldline Zero 396 0
Xenophage 392 1
Bastion 351 0
Eriana's Vow 320 104
Lumina 307 126
SUROS Regime 290 135
Parasite 273 0
Cryosthethesia 77K 254 58
Vigilance Wing 248 113
Ex Diris 240 0
Trespasser 207 42
The Manticore 206 56
Centrifuse 200 37
Eyes of Tomorrow 190 0
D.A.R.C.I 189 112
Tessellation 187 0
Tarrabah 183 41
Jade Rabbit 164 105
Edge of Intent 164 0
Wish-Keeper 139 53
Salvation's Grip 119 0
Hierarchy of Needs 108 54
Conditional Finality 85 2
Deterministic Chaos 80 20
Vexcalibur 79 0
Whisper of the Worm 60 32
Necrochasm 48 10
Forerunner 46 31
The Queenbreaker 25 10
Final Warning 22 6
The Chaperone 12 3
Borealis 6 3
Winterbite 5 0
Buried Bloodline 5 1
Sturm 2 1
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0