Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Gjallarhorn 13447 0
Sunshot 12086 1650
Witherhoard 6429 3
Quicksilver Storm 4657 838
Graviton Lance 4031 1046
Dragon's Breath 3301 0
Outbreak Perfected 3196 1238
Anarchy 2357 0
Necrochasm 1888 425
Trinity Ghoul 1711 370
Monte Carlo 1686 521
Osteo Striga 1583 170
Buried Bloodline 1465 364
Ager's Scepter 1328 250
Ticuu's Divination 1238 295
No Time to Explain 1211 458
Bad Juju 1198 416
Wish-Keeper 1103 549
Traveler's Chosen 1019 308
Huckleberry 1009 143
Tractor Cannon 1001 0
The Navigator 905 136
Thorn 896 293
Thunderlord 888 211
Riskrunner 857 105
Xenophage 820 0
One Thousand Voices 815 0
Hawkmoon 800 206
SUROS Regime 708 345
Jotunn 540 0
Duality 536 104
Legend of Acrius 526 6
Izanagi's Burden 509 155
Polaris Lance 492 200
Lament 492 0
Sweet Business 480 117
Sleeper Simulant 449 56
Cloudstrike 412 103
Conditional Finality 399 19
The Chaperone 341 243
Lorentz Driver 297 82
Dead Man's Tale 266 145
Ruinous Effigy 248 41
Trespasser 238 68
Arbalest 223 104
Dead Messenger 194 0
The Manticore 166 33
Wardcliff Coil 160 0
Revision Zero 159 83
Heir Apparent 145 26
Coldheart 140 34
Ace of Spades 137 69
Forerunner 134 91
Parasite 124 0
Fighting Lion 120 0
Vexcalibur 118 0
The Last Word 115 77
Deathbringer 92 0
Le Monarque 76 26
Prometheus Lens 66 17
Two-Tailed Fox 63 0
Centrifuse 56 21
Verglas Curve 55 26
Ex Diris 53 0
Black Talon 52 0
Telesto 50 0
Salvation's Grip 45 1
Cryosthethesia 77K 41 15
Delicate Tomb 37 0
Divinity 36 17
Collective Obligation 36 11
Vex Mythoclast 33 18
Whisper of the Worm 31 17
Bastion 27 0
Deterministic Chaos 25 4
Eriana's Vow 18 6
Final Warning 16 2
The Fourth Horseman 12 0
Crimson 12 6
Hard Light 9 0
Borealis 9 3
Malfeasance 8 0
Jade Rabbit 7 5
Grand Overture 7 0
D.A.R.C.I 3 0
Wish Ender 1 0
Eyes of Tomorrow 1 0
Worldline Zero 0 0
Winterbite 0 0
Wicked Implement 0 0
Wavesplitter 0 0
Vigilance Wing 0 0
Truth 0 0
Touch of Malice 0 0
Tommy's Matchbook 0 0
The Queenbreaker 0 0
The Prospector 0 0
The Colony 0 0
Tessellation 0 0
Tarrabah 0 0
Symmetry 0 0
Sturm 0 0
Skyburner's Oath 0 0
Rat King 0 0
Merciless 0 0
MIDA Multi-Tool 0 0
Lumina 0 0
Lord of Wolves 0 0
Leviathan's Breath 0 0
Hierarchy of Needs 0 0
Heartshadow 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Devil's Ruin 0 0
Cerberus+1 0 0