Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Tarrabah 13703 3115
Osteo Striga 7228 1067
Ager's Scepter 6078 1010
Outbreak Perfected 5599 2272
Fighting Lion 4166 0
Quicksilver Storm 3474 498
Hawkmoon 3345 1817
Centrifuse 3038 675
Dead Man's Tale 2647 1368
Ace of Spades 2589 1398
Telesto 2336 0
Leviathan's Breath 2183 142
Thorn 1898 499
Sturm 1783 938
Delicate Tomb 1540 0
Revision Zero 1429 587
Tommy's Matchbook 1379 343
Monte Carlo 1362 349
Sunshot 1282 189
Dragon's Breath 1279 0
Malfeasance 1274 353
Wardcliff Coil 1267 0
Jade Rabbit 1202 813
Thunderlord 1142 309
No Time to Explain 1140 400
Forerunner 1096 883
Ruinous Effigy 1055 225
Graviton Lance 1023 381
Lament 987 0
Sweet Business 966 306
Bad Juju 957 425
Xenophage 947 0
Witherhoard 940 0
Conditional Finality 904 42
Symmetry 892 266
Arbalest 854 460
Hierarchy of Needs 848 264
Jotunn 797 0
Duality 763 140
Devil's Ruin 702 105
Riskrunner 696 171
Borealis 672 238
Rat King 651 182
Lumina 615 322
Wish Ender 614 245
Cerberus+1 610 90
Coldheart 589 144
Skyburner's Oath 555 163
Anarchy 548 0
The Chaperone 543 314
Traveler's Chosen 540 128
Wicked Implement 538 304
Vigilance Wing 537 268
Legend of Acrius 522 11
Eriana's Vow 512 191
Polaris Lance 433 286
Le Monarque 392 159
Wavesplitter 381 103
Izanagi's Burden 374 256
Tractor Cannon 360 0
The Last Word 352 95
Merciless 308 0
Lord of Wolves 298 73
Parasite 288 0
The Prospector 285 0
Gjallarhorn 277 0
Trinity Ghoul 269 131
Crimson 258 147
Cloudstrike 236 112
Sleeper Simulant 225 85
The Fourth Horseman 219 27
Black Talon 187 0
Hard Light 178 36
The Manticore 169 45
Trespasser 166 63
Grand Overture 161 0
Two-Tailed Fox 155 0
Ex Diris 148 0
D.A.R.C.I 146 98
The Colony 140 0
Lorentz Driver 136 69
Worldline Zero 122 0
Deathbringer 121 0
Vexcalibur 119 0
Wish-Keeper 113 50
Verglas Curve 113 56
Tessellation 101 0
MIDA Multi-Tool 99 63
Ticuu's Divination 95 14
Deterministic Chaos 93 29
Cryosthethesia 77K 93 31
Bastion 86 0
Winterbite 76 0
SUROS Regime 68 22
Whisper of the Worm 55 49
Huckleberry 55 18
Truth 48 0
Heir Apparent 45 12
Dead Messenger 44 0
Prometheus Lens 42 10
One Thousand Voices 32 0
Final Warning 27 5
Salvation's Grip 20 0
Edge of Intent 10 0
The Queenbreaker 2 1
Vex Mythoclast 0 0
Touch of Malice 0 0
The Navigator 0 0
Necrochasm 0 0
Heartshadow 0 0
Eyes of Tomorrow 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Divinity 0 0
Collective Obligation 0 0
Buried Bloodline 0 0