Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Trinity Ghoul 19216 5115
Sunshot 6778 1248
Ace of Spades 6362 3001
Witherhoard 4388 1
Osteo Striga 3864 640
Gjallarhorn 3621 1
Ager's Scepter 3303 683
Le Monarque 3249 1237
Dead Man's Tale 3008 1397
Sweet Business 2425 566
Huckleberry 2052 473
Riskrunner 1996 430
The Last Word 1764 793
Graviton Lance 1745 498
Outbreak Perfected 1620 590
Xenophage 1525 0
Crimson 1500 696
Thorn 1482 461
Arbalest 1376 638
Quicksilver Storm 1348 293
Eriana's Vow 1301 520
Vex Mythoclast 1248 484
Monte Carlo 1227 313
Duality 1148 244
Tommy's Matchbook 1099 240
Wardcliff Coil 985 1
Wish Ender 956 287
Lament 949 0
Ticuu's Divination 947 236
Coldheart 912 222
Deathbringer 900 1
Lorentz Driver 873 236
Thunderlord 850 246
No Time to Explain 834 312
Heir Apparent 812 187
Hawkmoon 752 393
Izanagi's Burden 717 303
One Thousand Voices 707 0
Trespasser 702 139
Verglas Curve 688 247
Two-Tailed Fox 672 0
The Prospector 565 0
Cerberus+1 543 93
The Fourth Horseman 529 46
Sleeper Simulant 496 138
SUROS Regime 463 222
Centrifuse 445 126
Revision Zero 433 156
Cloudstrike 423 180
Black Talon 413 0
Grand Overture 406 0
Dragon's Breath 363 0
Legend of Acrius 277 9
Malfeasance 276 105
Vigilance Wing 274 107
Leviathan's Breath 239 30
Jotunn 236 0
Sturm 232 104
Forerunner 228 123
Parasite 207 0
Merciless 184 0
Deterministic Chaos 169 51
Eyes of Tomorrow 168 0
Hard Light 159 43
MIDA Multi-Tool 155 79
Dead Messenger 141 0
Fighting Lion 135 0
Touch of Malice 133 63
Lord of Wolves 133 17
Ex Diris 132 0
Jade Rabbit 126 72
The Navigator 121 20
Cryosthethesia 77K 116 29
Lumina 115 54
Devil's Ruin 115 26
Skyburner's Oath 113 30
Bastion 101 0
Wavesplitter 100 49
Telesto 100 0
The Chaperone 74 14
Heartshadow 52 0
Conditional Finality 52 6
The Colony 49 0
Winterbite 25 0
Prometheus Lens 22 5
Salvation's Grip 17 0
Whisper of the Worm 16 7
Symmetry 13 4
The Manticore 12 7
Tractor Cannon 6 0
Rat King 4 0
D.A.R.C.I 4 1
Borealis 3 0
Worldline Zero 0 0
Wish-Keeper 0 0
Wicked Implement 0 0
Vexcalibur 0 0
Truth 0 0
Traveler's Chosen 0 0
The Queenbreaker 0 0
Tessellation 0 0
Tarrabah 0 0
Ruinous Effigy 0 0
Polaris Lance 0 0
Necrochasm 0 0
Hierarchy of Needs 0 0
Final Warning 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Divinity 0 0
Delicate Tomb 0 0
Collective Obligation 0 0
Buried Bloodline 0 0
Bad Juju 0 0
Anarchy 0 0