Stat Value
General Statistics
Completions 466
Flawless 170
Champion Kills 1550
Strike Kills This Season 231
Strike High Score
The Arms Dealer 177744
Insight Terminus 197544
The Inverted Spire 72646
Savathun's Song 0
The Pyramidion 0
Exodus Crash 157755
A Garden World 0
Tree of Probabilities 0
Strange Terrain 0
Warden of Nothing 243100
Broodhold 33870
The Scarlet Keep 95664
Lake of Shadows 0
The Corrupted 428550
The Festering Core 0
The Disgraced 103235
The Glassway 199062
Proving Grounds 100890
The Devils' Lair 115023
Fallen S.A.B.E.R 192104
The Hollowed Lair 82365
The Lightblade 106048
Birthplace of the Vile 129325