Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Sunshot 14920 2890
Graviton Lance 13903 3666
Ace of Spades 10163 5839
Witherhoard 9291 2
Polaris Lance 7707 3263
Outbreak Perfected 6488 2721
Trinity Ghoul 6112 1406
Riskrunner 4696 1503
The Manticore 3279 885
Ticuu's Divination 2642 708
Lament 2252 1
Final Warning 2206 708
Coldheart 2160 533
Le Monarque 1958 653
Fighting Lion 1737 0
Dead Man's Tale 1736 736
Huckleberry 1552 628
Touch of Malice 1439 487
Leviathan's Breath 1327 177
Thunderlord 1324 496
Prometheus Lens 1310 288
Bad Juju 1068 460
Crimson 1067 659
Malfeasance 1065 326
Skyburner's Oath 918 54
Osteo Striga 683 121
Xenophage 620 0
Izanagi's Burden 606 270
MIDA Multi-Tool 575 367
Cloudstrike 545 123
Wavesplitter 449 122
The Fourth Horseman 435 35
Arbalest 432 339
Two-Tailed Fox 403 0
Hard Light 359 107
Lumina 347 223
Sleeper Simulant 339 76
Centrifuse 335 117
No Time to Explain 330 126
Tractor Cannon 319 0
Whisper of the Worm 301 127
Hierarchy of Needs 281 107
Tommy's Matchbook 238 82
Verglas Curve 237 114
Parasite 200 0
Conditional Finality 197 12
Ager's Scepter 171 24
Dragon's Breath 150 0
Wardcliff Coil 116 0
Monte Carlo 116 28
Duality 111 45
Deterministic Chaos 103 38
Borealis 75 59
Anarchy 67 0
Revision Zero 63 18
The Queenbreaker 40 28
Vexcalibur 33 0
Necrochasm 27 4
Trespasser 24 11
Grand Overture 22 0
Eriana's Vow 21 6
Cryosthethesia 77K 17 9
Quicksilver Storm 16 7
Salvation's Grip 14 0
The Colony 13 0
Cerberus+1 13 4
Jotunn 8 0
Jade Rabbit 8 4
Merciless 6 0
SUROS Regime 5 2
D.A.R.C.I 4 3
Bastion 2 0
Heartshadow 1 0
Worldline Zero 0 0
Wish-Keeper 0 0
Wish Ender 0 0
Winterbite 0 0
Wicked Implement 0 0
Vigilance Wing 0 0
Vex Mythoclast 0 0
Truth 0 0
Traveler's Chosen 0 0
Thorn 0 0
The Prospector 0 0
The Navigator 0 0
The Last Word 0 0
The Chaperone 0 0
Tessellation 0 0
Telesto 0 0
Tarrabah 0 0
Symmetry 0 0
Sweet Business 0 0
Sturm 0 0
Ruinous Effigy 0 0
Rat King 0 0
One Thousand Voices 0 0
Lorentz Driver 0 0
Lord of Wolves 0 0
Legend of Acrius 0 0
Heir Apparent 0 0
Hawkmoon 0 0
Gjallarhorn 0 0
Forerunner 0 0
Eyes of Tomorrow 0 0
Ex Diris 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Divinity 0 0
Devil's Ruin 0 0
Delicate Tomb 0 0
Deathbringer 0 0
Dead Messenger 0 0
Collective Obligation 0 0
Buried Bloodline 0 0
Black Talon 0 0