Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Witherhoard 7079 0
Gjallarhorn 6916 0
Outbreak Perfected 6608 2162
Ace of Spades 5216 2890
Conditional Finality 5200 261
Lament 5123 0
Anarchy 4441 0
Crimson 4073 2167
Thunderlord 3831 993
Trinity Ghoul 3084 841
Ager's Scepter 2974 417
Riskrunner 2856 596
Quicksilver Storm 2671 460
Arbalest 2599 1089
Graviton Lance 1885 346
Collective Obligation 1761 556
One Thousand Voices 1706 0
Vex Mythoclast 1678 594
Hard Light 1592 432
Leviathan's Breath 1480 16
Xenophage 1452 0
Sunshot 1431 129
Centrifuse 1423 179
Osteo Striga 1342 190
Malfeasance 1270 347
Polaris Lance 1269 639
Jotunn 1211 0
Traveler's Chosen 1098 335
Prometheus Lens 1083 215
Wish Ender 1050 522
Tarrabah 1019 337
Izanagi's Burden 1006 410
Touch of Malice 972 317
Buried Bloodline 961 266
Rat King 913 313
SUROS Regime 910 358
Trespasser 904 299
Tommy's Matchbook 900 177
The Manticore 864 250
Dead Man's Tale 844 183
Lorentz Driver 841 229
Delicate Tomb 841 0
Le Monarque 826 315
Hawkmoon 811 470
Cryosthethesia 77K 797 325
Heir Apparent 781 132
Bad Juju 764 246
Fighting Lion 751 0
Heartshadow 746 0
Sweet Business 733 214
Ticuu's Divination 714 210
Eriana's Vow 706 200
Dead Messenger 706 0
Lumina 704 291
Symmetry 703 205
Two-Tailed Fox 699 0
Sleeper Simulant 690 176
Merciless 683 0
Deathbringer 663 0
No Time to Explain 652 160
The Colony 651 0
Cerberus+1 644 143
Cloudstrike 635 127
Grand Overture 615 0
Legend of Acrius 592 5
Hierarchy of Needs 581 69
The Navigator 575 82
Ex Diris 563 0
Lord of Wolves 537 59
Coldheart 521 107
Sturm 512 204
The Prospector 504 0
Huckleberry 501 101
Wardcliff Coil 496 0
Duality 479 114
Revision Zero 459 146
Borealis 451 105
Forerunner 450 206
The Fourth Horseman 443 47
D.A.R.C.I 436 311
Worldline Zero 433 0
Black Talon 433 0
The Last Word 403 219
Telesto 341 0
Ruinous Effigy 339 70
Parasite 318 0
Divinity 317 176
Whisper of the Worm 286 187
Tractor Cannon 285 0
Vigilance Wing 261 137
Jade Rabbit 233 126
Eyes of Tomorrow 207 0
Thorn 188 75
Verglas Curve 181 65
MIDA Multi-Tool 160 102
Dragon's Breath 154 0
Vexcalibur 122 0
The Chaperone 102 65
The Queenbreaker 101 42
Wavesplitter 95 22
Truth 89 0
Necrochasm 82 25
Deterministic Chaos 37 18
Bastion 12 0
Winterbite 11 0
Salvation's Grip 2 0
Wish-Keeper 0 0
Wicked Implement 0 0
Tessellation 0 0
Skyburner's Oath 0 0
Monte Carlo 0 0
Final Warning 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Devil's Ruin 0 0