Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Tommy's Matchbook 98528 26616
Outbreak Perfected 13828 5591
The Navigator 12015 2209
Osteo Striga 8782 1413
Wicked Implement 7956 3380
Xenophage 7462 0
Riskrunner 7235 1850
Ticuu's Divination 6273 1228
Centrifuse 4934 1266
Ager's Scepter 4133 779
Graviton Lance 3336 812
Trinity Ghoul 3155 805
Quicksilver Storm 2938 766
Wish-Keeper 2343 1012
Verglas Curve 2278 718
Sunshot 1907 245
Polaris Lance 1873 1183
Witherhoard 1749 0
Monte Carlo 1689 600
Le Monarque 1449 524
Delicate Tomb 1351 0
Thunderlord 1329 444
Revision Zero 1329 554
Conditional Finality 1162 45
Lament 1150 0
Gjallarhorn 1028 0
Eriana's Vow 995 371
Malfeasance 956 361
Jotunn 895 0
The Manticore 812 201
Sweet Business 770 206
Heartshadow 763 0
Grand Overture 757 0
Leviathan's Breath 731 131
Dragon's Breath 605 0
Skyburner's Oath 604 156
Arbalest 598 271
Duality 550 61
Coldheart 527 133
Lord of Wolves 510 34
Prometheus Lens 506 78
Wardcliff Coil 495 0
Deathbringer 436 0
Cloudstrike 407 138
Tractor Cannon 349 0
Two-Tailed Fox 336 0
Dead Messenger 328 0
Sleeper Simulant 314 16
No Time to Explain 282 133
Hard Light 280 58
Vexcalibur 179 0
Parasite 160 0
Wish Ender 151 40
Ruinous Effigy 146 46
Vigilance Wing 145 62
Telesto 142 0
Trespasser 122 41
Ex Diris 116 0
Symmetry 112 43
Fighting Lion 89 0
Bad Juju 68 25
Crimson 51 22
Whisper of the Worm 33 16
The Fourth Horseman 32 1
Salvation's Grip 24 0
SUROS Regime 23 2
The Queenbreaker 7 1
The Chaperone 6 2
D.A.R.C.I 6 4
Thorn 5 2
Dead Man's Tale 4 2
Deterministic Chaos 1 0
Worldline Zero 0 0
Winterbite 0 0
Wavesplitter 0 0
Vex Mythoclast 0 0
Truth 0 0
Traveler's Chosen 0 0
Touch of Malice 0 0
The Prospector 0 0
The Last Word 0 0
The Colony 0 0
Tessellation 0 0
Tarrabah 0 0
Sturm 0 0
Rat King 0 0
One Thousand Voices 0 0
Necrochasm 0 0
Merciless 0 0
MIDA Multi-Tool 0 0
Lumina 0 0
Lorentz Driver 0 0
Legend of Acrius 0 0
Jade Rabbit 0 0
Izanagi's Burden 0 0
Huckleberry 0 0
Hierarchy of Needs 0 0
Heir Apparent 0 0
Hawkmoon 0 0
Forerunner 0 0
Final Warning 0 0
Eyes of Tomorrow 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Divinity 0 0
Devil's Ruin 0 0
Cryosthethesia 77K 0 0
Collective Obligation 0 0
Cerberus+1 0 0
Buried Bloodline 0 0
Borealis 0 0
Black Talon 0 0
Bastion 0 0
Anarchy 0 0
Ace of Spades 0 0