Stat Value
General Statistics
Completions 1103
Flawless 308
Champion Kills 2729
Strike Kills This Season 222
Strike High Score
The Arms Dealer 190012
Insight Terminus 208848
The Inverted Spire 187319
Savathun's Song 44885
The Pyramidion 0
Exodus Crash 75456
A Garden World 47552
Tree of Probabilities 0
Strange Terrain 23235
Warden of Nothing 226800
Broodhold 100170
The Scarlet Keep 200791
Lake of Shadows 175443
The Corrupted 354050
The Festering Core 0
The Disgraced 195160
The Glassway 260160
Proving Grounds 246792
The Devils' Lair 134418
Fallen S.A.B.E.R 149380
The Hollowed Lair 0
The Lightblade 185987
Birthplace of the Vile 264900