Weapon Kills Precision Kills
Sunshot 16737 2657
Outbreak Perfected 12062 3721
Riskrunner 6645 1168
Osteo Striga 6558 1277
Quicksilver Storm 5495 1048
Graviton Lance 4661 936
Witherhoard 3899 0
Malfeasance 3763 1090
Ager's Scepter 3027 581
Polaris Lance 2915 1303
Tommy's Matchbook 2750 772
Dead Man's Tale 2664 1410
Hard Light 2584 629
Skyburner's Oath 2571 321
Wish Ender 2537 709
Traveler's Chosen 2509 455
Gjallarhorn 2434 0
Revision Zero 2428 1014
No Time to Explain 2225 471
Coldheart 1844 268
Vex Mythoclast 1795 598
Centrifuse 1706 422
Lament 1680 0
Thorn 1650 431
Sweet Business 1596 426
Le Monarque 1534 480
MIDA Multi-Tool 1359 636
Ticuu's Divination 1336 292
Forerunner 1280 923
Delicate Tomb 1078 0
Hawkmoon 1052 386
Verglas Curve 1020 362
Jotunn 971 0
Monte Carlo 965 352
One Thousand Voices 963 0
Thunderlord 932 290
Cryosthethesia 77K 899 223
Ace of Spades 868 312
Bad Juju 860 229
Lorentz Driver 851 215
Huckleberry 835 186
Wicked Implement 821 388
Heir Apparent 808 223
Sturm 784 108
Symmetry 773 222
Dragon's Breath 763 0
Arbalest 743 224
Eriana's Vow 716 292
Prometheus Lens 602 102
Ruinous Effigy 590 158
Cloudstrike 581 211
Sleeper Simulant 567 142
Cerberus+1 552 116
Wardcliff Coil 525 0
Merciless 524 0
Lord of Wolves 511 79
Izanagi's Burden 511 186
Deathbringer 506 0
Duality 490 113
Legend of Acrius 474 2
Trinity Ghoul 468 185
Anarchy 399 0
Telesto 390 0
Worldline Zero 388 0
Black Talon 362 0
Xenophage 338 0
Tarrabah 336 86
Tractor Cannon 332 0
Ex Diris 332 0
Trespasser 281 75
Parasite 241 0
Two-Tailed Fox 234 0
Collective Obligation 228 70
Grand Overture 227 0
Leviathan's Breath 211 22
The Manticore 193 38
Vexcalibur 186 0
D.A.R.C.I 174 103
Final Warning 153 26
Rat King 115 15
Deterministic Chaos 115 41
Eyes of Tomorrow 113 0
Conditional Finality 102 9
Dead Messenger 98 0
Wish-Keeper 96 41
Necrochasm 83 25
Crimson 80 15
Divinity 62 27
Wavesplitter 60 16
Truth 52 0
Jade Rabbit 51 26
The Queenbreaker 46 11
The Chaperone 44 11
Vigilance Wing 41 9
SUROS Regime 36 11
The Colony 33 0
Whisper of the Worm 21 10
Salvation's Grip 20 0
Borealis 18 13
The Fourth Horseman 6 0
Bastion 6 0
Winterbite 5 0
Devil's Ruin 2 0
The Last Word 1 0
Touch of Malice 0 0
The Prospector 0 0
The Navigator 0 0
Tessellation 0 0
Lumina 0 0
Hierarchy of Needs 0 0
Heartshadow 0 0
Fighting Lion 0 0
Edge of Intent 0 0
Edge of Concurrence 0 0
Edge of Action 0 0
Buried Bloodline 0 0